Kati's Blog
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Kati's Blog: Faith, Hope and Love

Author:: Rácz Katalin Created:: October 04, 2013. 01:00:00

Three destinations:  Atapuerca (instead of San Juan de Ortega), Burgos and Hornillos.

I had a good start on Monday so I decided to walk a little more, so I could have an easy day on Tuesday. It was a good idea, because it was raining all day on Tuesday, so a littlebit lost and completly soaked I arived to Burgos. I don’t have much picture about the last few days due to some thecnical difficulties caused by the rain.

But no shortage on thoughts!

As I mentioned before, I have a will, a person, some own goals to pray/walk for every day.  In this context I got some very valuable motivation. That is what the title is about. To me these last 3 days were all about  faith, hope and love.

Faith: Yes, I really need to grow in that. It’s not that I don’t have faith, but I just realized how small it is yet. It’s like learning a new language. The more I know the more I see how much more there is to learn.

Hope: On Tuesday hope seemed to be lost. Not because of the rain, or because of being all wet and cold, but because of a personal pain in my soul. I knew I just get through this and the next day will be better. I’ve learned, there is no such thing as hopeless. Hope is real and eternal!

Love: Today it was all about love! I could offer the pains of each steps to the Virgin Mary for someone really kind to me. It was good to believe that that person benefits from it. I have to accept that I need to reevaluate Love. It is possible to love someone without physical contact. I have to learn to put love in another dimension, which is definately not less, but somehow different. I still have to work on that. This is why I am here, this is why I walk my Camino!


Your Pilgrim

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