Kati's Blog
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Intellect, Memory and Will
October 08, 2013. 00:30:00

Kati's Blog: Intellect, Memory and Will

Author:: Rácz Katalin Created:: October 08, 2013. 00:30:00

The last four days were very varied regarding the weather and emotions as well. Castrojeriz, Frómista, Carrion, Legidos. It felt like I had wings on the first sunny day. I persistently walked on the second day in silent rain. It was a bit hard to walk on the 3rd and 4th days although there were incredibly beautiful colors in the sky.  You could see such blue skies among the clouds, that words can’t describe them! Long plateau, straight and endless routes  really made me think.

These days all I had in my mind was the relisation of how much I need the three introductory mysteries of the sorrowful rosary:  -who shall  enlighten our minds, -who shall  strenghten our memory, -who shall perfect our will

I am thankful to our  God, that He gently enlights my mind so I don’t just  „murmur” the rosary anymore, but I feel it! I undertand or at least I try to, the real meaning of it. I need this understanding not only in my prayers, but also in what had happened to me . I hope, with the help of God this understanding helps me to accept the things from my past.

This long  kind of barren and straight area was a good place to remember many things. Strenghtening our memory is a great treasure!  I grew up in the Plains very similar this, so the landscape with fields where the earth touches the sky brought up some childhood memories! Also the prayer’s wills made me remember many things.



To perfect our will is a great mission. We often want unnecessary things. It’s a big blessing ifsomeone does not wish for unnecessary ffectual things!  Not to mention the times when we want things that are impossible or out of our reach. Perfecting our will means we can leave these routines behind. So much to pray for!


Your Pilgrim

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