Kati's Blog
Santiago, Finisterre
October 31, 2013. 23:45:00
Two days of struggling, tolerance.
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And forgive us our debts...
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Let God write our life!
October 13, 2013. 23:45:00
Intellect, Memory and Will
October 08, 2013. 00:30:00

Kati's Blog: Let God write our life!

Author:: Rácz Katalin Created:: October 13, 2013. 23:45:00

Four days: Sahagun, Hermanillos, Mansilla, Leon. On the first two days, two very short walks were scheduled. This is how it was planned, which in unbelievable. I was so exhausted, so these two days did good, they were my resting days. God guided me when I was planning my route.


On Monday, Pope Francis’ message was really touching me: ‘Shall we let God write our life, or is it us, who want to write it? It’s about meekness. Are we meek towards the word of God? Are we able to find the word of God in everyday happenings, or is it rather our thoughts that keep us locked, and we don’t let the surprise of God to talk to us?’ I spent my days concentrating on that. I was trying to listen to the words of God! I experienced many interesting thoughts, especially in connection with my personal intentions and offerings. How hard is it to learn and accept the ‘unalterable’? Let it be a sickness, a family affair, losing a family member, anything. But God carries every one of us in his palms! He doesn’t punish us, but places us in such situations, with which we have a mission. In a way, our life carries a message to ourselves and to others as well. How many times it happens, that our sufferings give inspiration to others, makes the Lord others better through us. Many of us are looking for our mission, because we believe Lord has a plan with us! We don’t only have to live our everyday life or have to enjoy the beautiful world God created for us. We must actively take part in making his creation őerfect. But we, ourselves have to find the way! Within our life and personal problems.

The message of the last few days was that I, we have to learn to accept our lifes, our situation, because God holds us in his palms, even though we feel we have to experience very hard times. It is good to feel myself in God’s palms!


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