Kati's Blog
Santiago, Finisterre
October 31, 2013. 23:45:00
Two days of struggling, tolerance.
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And forgive us our debts...
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Let God write our life!
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Kati's Blog: The first two days

Author:: Tornay Gábor Created:: September 21, 2013. 23:30:00

Wednesday afternoon I arrived to Saint Jean Pied de Port. There were many of us in the train and the Pilgrim’s office was crowded too. After a plot whit some nice ladys we got shelter for a reasonable price. We decided we all wanted to go on the Napoleon’s Route. We started off at 6:30 in the morning, under a starry sky.

I have to say the first few kilometers are such a big challenge that it is hard to decide if it’s only challenge or temptation. I felt like I run out of air although we were in the nature under an open sky.

Then there was a big surprise! The stars were gone, but instead of having morning light and sunshine, all we had was thick and wet fog. By the time we walked one third of our plan for the day we were totally soaked, and due to the present of the devils spirit I started to question if this really was what I came for,  if it ’s really what I wanted.

I wanted to offer the first day of my Camino for myself. I hope our Good God accepted my offering, because He really put me to the proof.  It’s started to rain. It rained all day long, you could not see other than clouds and mist. Up the hills I could not breath and on the way down I feard to hurt my knee especially after seeing strong man falling. I spent almost all my day in constant praying. The „unit” of ascent became Hail Mary’s. Depending on the angle 1 or 2 Hail Mary’s then I had to stop to catch my breath. It worked very well. Practically I saw nothing of the „promised” beautiful view, but I believe this little sacrifice was kind to our Lord. I may not understand everything know, but  I am sure once I will see the point.

I reached Roncesvalles after 4 pm. I could hardly climb into my bunk bed on the second floor. I met with a few people I already knew and we have decided to pay up for the well deserved pilgrim’s menu. On Friday I departed around half past 7 in the morning in quite a good shape compare to the pains of the last night.

Slowly my prayer practise takes shape. Help me Mary for the morning tears, rosary is best on the hills and at noon I pray the Angelus. When I am out of air or my leg hurts 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Mary’s for the will of Mary and –as my mother in law used to say-  She always helps. It turnes out to be true! Every time I start to feel weak, praying helps!

By the time I reached Zubiri the sky was clear after all the rain, I felt terribly tired but at the same time I felt joy and happines insde! My body hurts everywhere, but I am very satisfied that I’ve done it and I am now closer to my goal.


Your Pilgrim

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